National Epilepsy Awareness Week is a key event that raises awareness about Epilepsy and helps to dispel some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding this neurological disorder. More individuals than you may imagine suffering from Epilepsy, and understanding the early warning symptoms and what to do during a seizure can greatly benefit those who are afflicted by the chronic condition. Epilepsy affects people of all ages, from infants to the elderly, and is estimated to affect at least 5 Lac individuals in England. National Epilepsy Week will be observed from May 24 to May 30 to increase public awareness of those who are afflicted by Epilepsy, what causes it, who is impacted, and what can be done to assist those who have the illness. Celebrate National Epilepsy Week on May 24 to May 26 and raise Epilepsy Awareness to show support for people with Epilepsy. By promoting education and understanding about Epilepsy, Epilepsy Awareness Week can help to reduce the fear and discrimination that people with Epilepsy often face. It can also encourage people to seek proper treatment and support for their epileptic condition.
What is Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder, with evidence from ancient writings dating back to around 4,000 BC. Despite having long-lasting negative consequences on the body, this brain disease is not communicable. According to scientific data, more than 5 million people worldwide, of any age, experience Epilepsy each year. The patient with this disease experiences frequent seizures, which contribute to the patient's early demise. that is around three times the average death rate! When Epilepsy is promptly treated, two-thirds of patients see improvement, and the frequency of seizures is significantly decreased. The general public's understanding of Epilepsy is still unclear. Epileptics continue to suffer from societal stigma and human neglect, and they endure severe humiliation at work, at home, and in the streets. To end Epilepsy, we, therefore, need to raise more public awareness. Read to recognize the causes, symptoms, and types of diagnosis and prevention of Epilepsy.
What causes Epilepsy?
What triggers Epilepsy is still a mystery. However, it has been discovered that the occurrence of Epilepsy is significantly influenced by the environment, genetic issues, infections, metabolism, immunology, etc. Also-
1. Any congenital problem and genetic error
2. A result of a stroke
3. less oxygen reaches the brain
4. Brain or Heart injury
5. If the birth weight is too low
6. there is less oxygen reaching the brain
7. If you have a brain tumor formerly
8. Meningitis
9. Encephalitis
10. Severe infection and brain dysfunction
What are the symptoms of Epilepsy?
Recurrent seizures result from Epilepsy. Other portions of the body experience sudden, uncontrollable tremors that could render a person unconscious. These seizures are brought on by some brain cells sending out too many electrical signals.
These seizures could come on suddenly or slowly over time (once a year). However, doctors refer to a person as having Epilepsy if they repeatedly have severe seizures without any apparent cause.
1. Without a temperature, convulsions can occur along with extreme exhaustion.
2. Suddenly, certain bodily parts become rigid.
3. Momentary fainting, unpredicted fainting, and passing stools can all lead to Epilepsy.
4. This illness causes ambiguity and memory loss.
5. Without cause, mental illnesses become visible suddenly.
6. Smell, touch, and taste change for epileptics.
7. Many times, epileptics who suddenly faint while walking may break their limbs and legs, resulting in severe injuries.
8. Depression and other abnormal emotions are all possible.
9. Angry outburst.
10. Fear of fire, water, blood, etc.
What are the types of Epilepsy?
Epileptic seizures are triggered by uncontrolled electrical impulses throughout the brain or may occur in specific areas of the brain. Depending on this occurrence, different types of Epilepsy are seen.
1. Generalized Epilepsy
2. Focal Epilepsy
3. Combined generalized and focal Epilepsy
4. Unknown Epilepsy
How is Epilepsy diagnosed?
The doctor diagnoses Epilepsy by looking at the patient's symptoms, medical history, any previous seizures or numbness, and some blood tests. Next, the patient's speech and cognitive function are tested. Through various nerve tests, it is understood what type of seizure is occurring. Tests that diagnose these are:
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is used to measure uncontrolled brain waves.
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS), Position Emission Tomography (PET), Computerized Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – Can be used to detect brain damage or tumors.
A single photon emission CT (SCT) scan is used to determine where a seizure may occur in the brain.
Which part of the brain is not working properly can be understood by functional MRI.
Based on the changes in the magnetic signal, irregular brain function can be understood by a magneto encephalogram.
How to prevent Epilepsy?
One-third of Epilepsy can be prevented by:
1. Avoiding the possibility of brain and heart injury can prevent post-traumatic Epilepsy.
2. Excessive alcohol consumption, consumption of tobacco products, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc. should be reduced.
3. Infections need to be reduced, especially those of endoparasites. Then there may be some Epilepsy prevention.
4. Maternal and child care should be taken before birth, besides, care should be taken to avoid obstetric problems during birth.
5. Studies have shown that while some drugs help reduce fever in children, those drugs also help reduce Epilepsy.
Treatment of Epilepsy
First of all, taking the remedy from a specialist doctor is the most scientific. Our Epilepsy Awareness discussion is to create a general understanding of Epilepsy among the public before getting prescribed medical instruction. Since severe brain seizures are the hallmark of Epilepsy, managing seizures in patients with prompt medication can reduce Epilepsy by roughly 70%. The majority of anti-seizure drugs are now significantly more affordable. Once this medication is started, only the doctor's advice should be followed while stopping it (two years after the complete cessation of seizures). Despite high demand, anti-seizure medication is nevertheless occasionally unavailable in developing nations. Additionally, there is a "treatment gap" because many patients do not follow up with their doctors after receiving therapy due to inadequate public knowledge. The patient can become unwell again if it persists. When medication fails to control Epilepsy, surgery is frequently performed on a particular area of the brain.