Beloved brethren and sisters in Christ,
Holiday Sunday is an Holyday for us! We gather today to take preparation to celebrate Easter, a glorious occasion that commemorates the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we all know, Easter falls on the second day after Good Friday, which usually happens on the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or next after the vernal equinox, between March 22 and April 25. This year, in 2023, we rejoice that Easter falls on Sunday, 9 April.
Easter, also known as Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a joyous festival and holiday that marks the rising of our Lord from the dead. As described in the New Testament, Jesus was buried following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. However, on the third day, he rose from the dead and came back to life, signifying the renewal of life and hope for all Jesus' believers.
Indeed, Easter is a celebration of Christ's victory over death, a powerful symbol of our ability to break out of the hardened, protective shell that we have surrounded ourselves with. It is a reminder that life is not merely about things, but about ideals and the pursuit of righteousness. The Easter message is not just about the fact that Jesus is alive, but rather, it is about the ultimate triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, and hope over despair.
As we reflect on the significance of Easter, let us also remember the Easter Triduum that precedes Easter Sunday. This holy period consists of the Mass of the Lord's Supper, the Passion and Death of Jesus, and the Easter Vigil, which all serve to deepen our understanding of Christ's sacrifice and the hope of salvation that his Resurrection offers.
Dear friends, let us take heart in the fact that Easter celebrates the defeat of death and the promise of eternal life for all who believe in Jesus Christ. As Christians, we believe that our sins were paid for by the death of Jesus and that his Resurrection represents the anticipation believers can have in their resurrection. So let us celebrate Easter with gladness, knowing that our faith in Jesus Christ gives us hope and strength for the journey ahead. Send the message of God’s love with Easter Sunday Quotes, Easter Sunday Captions, and Easter Sunday Messages to wish with love and holiness.
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen