Addiction Killer Quotes

Many of us are often get addicted. At this, his life became miserable due to the attraction of addiction and the tension of life. With the destruction of hard-earned money, his character begins to deteriorate, and even for innocent children, it is a bad sign for their mental development. Naturally, the loved ones become disgusted. Wishes Diary has come up with some strong motivational quotes on your dear’s addictive mentality to free him from this contradiction of addiction. Remember, medicine only works from the outside and these no-addiction tips have the potential to wake up the underlying entity. Remember that you will not be able to make any further preparations after the extreme loss of addiction, so keep sending these to your loved ones now without any hesitation and delay.

The Addicted's Prescription From Wishes Diary

Replace the evil force of the old with the attraction of the new.
Whoever leaves the bad will get the new one as a reward.
Blow away the old dirt of addiction in a newer stream.
Addiction will make you poor and creativity will make you rich- now decide whether you will be poor or rich.
Don't pollute this mind with the fun of destruction, get rid of it.
Learn to burn the desire, not the cigarette.
Don't let cigarettes determine your nicotinic destiny anymore.
Don't burn the funeral pyre in your face, it is unlucky for your health.
Burning money and harming body is self-killing in disguise.
Nicotine will give you nutrition of poison on the way towards the destruction.
Have you ever seen the figure of destruction through the nicotine smoke?
It started with mother's milk and ended with a glass bottle/ tobacco roll - right?
Learn to burn all attachment of your nerves and straighten your backbone from the curves of your life.
In fact, the nicotine smoke has blurred your consciousness, your intelligence as well as your total biology.
Tobacco funeral in the crematorium of the mouth- not ashamed?
In the strength of letting go of the negative, good may be readily welcomed.
From now on, if you get addicted to something good, you will be freed from this bad addiction.
Find a new one whose attraction can make you lose the old one.
Have you ever wondered if anyone can tolerate the burning smell of ‘you’, and if so, how much?
Shiva Thakur is satisfied with bell leaves and you are satisfied with tobacco leaves- shame shame.
A smoky illusion is constantly corrupting you from inside.

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